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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Here & There

A while since im writing, so this is like my new post for the past 7months, 
and  i guess. a lot have happened and change from 
the way it shud be. Firstly, im gonna talk about me being employed. 
yeah, its the first time and 
I think I got lucky because my work have become good 
with my boss and office mates all of them just being great. 
That means no pressure for me especially as 1st timer. and i like my job. 

What is my post? im a Junior Graphic designer . 
the work is simple enough, 
designing cloth and accessories for kids. 
To make it sound more fun, my design is gonna hit market soon enuf. Wheww.

                   Enough with job talks. i think there have been a lot that i missed since i start working.
I never read books, 
I never go for movies, and i never even have a date! 
haha. im okay with that. guess my life is just starting. many will come. Last thing
I think i wanna start savings for my future marriage. ;p

 Well, Have a blast everybody!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Born to run

Gareth Bale

'From subs bench to superstar'

I do not own this picture. All credit given to the creator (unknown)

Friday, February 4, 2011

All About Him

25 Facts

Hm i guess i should do it since my name dah kene tag by this girl. So there goes, 25 facts about M.E.

1-- Born in 18 December.
2-- Senang untuk marah, dan senang untuk memaafkan
3-- Quite jealous-type, but still in control
4-- He's straight as ur nose.
5-- Mempunyai mata yang sangat sensitif kepada habuk/bulu
6-- Hidung akan mula gatal bila makan sambal belacan.
7-- He hate butterfly, in fact. he scare of them. :O
8-- Antara orang pelik kat dunia yang tidak suka mkn satay
9-- Pernah demam dan muntah sebab makan satay
10- Believe it or not, he has no basic art langsung waktu di sekolah
11- Tapi sekarang, he's currently on his 2nd year in Graphic Design
12- Found that medical is not in his blood
13- Uitm student, and pernah menjadi msu student
14- Have one wonderful mom and a beautiful family
15- Kadang2 boleh jadi jerk, and kadang2 boleh jadi cool
16- Love to travel, but so far havent go anywhere on his own
17- Can be in front of his pc for several hours
18- He dont do clubbing, drinking and watsoever. but he do smoking
19- Some friends told him that he is alike of jericho rosales. =/
20- Very much love football, favourite teams are Manchester United & Tottenham FC
21- Cant wait to have his own children, trying to be the best dad in the world xD
22- Lost his father 9 years ago, so he doesn't know how exactly to be a good dad
23- Frankly speaking, doesnt seems have a good history about love
24- Lastly, He's not in a relationship.
25- and he's not available.
