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Sunday, October 31, 2010


'What About Now - Chris Daughtry'

The Question is, what you can see through-out this music video?

innocent KIDS?

Types + Art =Cool!

Now its TYPOGRAPHY time!

The LAST and ONLY.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Past


What past had taught you? what past had showed you? what past has given to you?
It does matter to think about what u have done in the past, because it guides the way to your future.
A wise man always guided by the past,
but a fools let the past guide him.
Seems like no difference, but it is there.

People who listened to their experience always ended up with something good.

What you have in the past, you cant have it in the future,  and  vice versa.
You cannot forget what past, you just can make it something to be remembered.

Times go through,
Like my friend said
The rear mirror shows us the time we've abandoned.
Not to let go, nor to bring it together.
Maybe the past is just past 
Taught us how to be a better man. ..

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just don't get your hopes up


Emm, hello, its been so long guys,,
  I never have an idea what to write about. 
My life getting more pathetic each day, the outer of me never mirrors what's inside.
but the last few days, i think i found someone who can cheers me up,
eventho cant always be with me.
it is still make me smile though